ویکی ووکی های عزیز در پست قبل متنی انگلیسی درباره زمین لرزه را مطالعه کردید اما امروز می خواهیم اصطلاحات متن انگلیسی زمین لرزه را برایتان بیان کنیم.
این اصطلاحات به فهم بیشتر شما و یادگیری بیشتر کلمات متن انگلیسی زمین لرزه کمک می کند.
متن انگلیسی زمین لرزه نکاتی را درباره چگونگی وقوع زلزله و نکاتی نیز درباره قبل و بعد زمین لرزه را بیان می کند.
لغات و اصطلاحات متن انگلیسی زمین لرزه
definition |
mean |
word |
rows |
A sudden movement of the earth’s surface which often follows an earthquake |
پس لرزه |
Aftershock |
1 |
Used to introduce a statement that makes your main statement seem surprising |
اگرچه، هرچند که |
Although |
2 |
Ready to use |
دردسترس، موجود |
Available |
3 |
At the distance from a place or person |
دور، آن طرف تر |
Away |
4 |
To separate into two or more pieces |
شکستن |
Break |
5 |
Quiet and not excited or afraid |
آرام |
Calm |
6 |
The part of a room over your head |
سقف |
Ceiling |
7 |
Surely |
حتما |
Certainly |
8 |
Existing in large numbers |
رایج، مرسوم، مشترک |
Common |
9 |
Seeing or understanding how things are different or the same |
مقایسه |
Comparison |
10 |
To be made up |
شامل (چیزی) بودن، تشکیل شدن از |
Consist of |
11 |
The central part of a fruit, an object, etc |
هسته |
Core |
12 |
A hard outer covering of something |
پوسته |
Crust |
13 |
The act of breaking or damaging something completely |
تخریب، نابودی |
Destruction |
14 |
Causing damage |
مخرب، ویرانگر |
Destructive |
15 |
An opening for going into a building or room |
درگاه، آستانه در |
Doorway |
16 |
Not wet |
خشک |
Dry |
17 |
At some point in a period of time |
در طول، در طی |
During |
18 |
A sudden strong shaking of the ground |
زمین لرزه، زلزله |
Earthquake |
19 |
Something dangerous such as an accident |
وضعیت اضطراری |
Emergency |
20 |
Completely |
کاملا |
Entirely |
21 |
Though it may seen improbable |
حتی |
Even |
22 |
Completely correct |
دقیق |
Exact |
23 |
To know about something because you have seen, felt or not |
تجربه کردن |
Experience |
24 |
An organization that works to prevent fires and stop them burning |
اداره آتش نشانی |
Fire department |
25 |
A man who job is to stop dangerous fires |
آتش نشان |
Fireman |
26 |
Quick simple help that you give to a person who is hurt |
کمک های اولیه |
First aid |
27 |
To repair something |
تعمیر کردن، نصب کردن |
Fix |
28 |
To move slowly in the air |
شناور بودن، معلق بودن |
Float |
29 |
A great a moment of water that covers a place that is usually dry |
سیل |
Flood |
30 |
The part of a room that you walk on |
کف اتاق، روی طمین، طبقه |
Floor |
31 |
To say what is likely to happen in the future |
پیش بینی کردن |
Forecast |
32 |
To make somebody feel afraid |
ترساندن |
Frighten |
33 |
The time that will come |
آینده |
Future |
34 |
Quiet and kind |
آرام، باوقار، نرم |
Gentle |
35 |
How all or far from the ground something is |
ارتفاع، بلندی |
Height |
36 |
To touch somebody or something hard |
برخورد کردن، ضربه زدن به |
Hit |
37 |
Happening very soon after something else |
فوری، سریع |
Immediate |
38 |
In the room |
درون، داخل |
Inside |
39 |
Words that tell you what you must do or how to do something |
دستورالعمل، طرز استفاده |
Instruction |
40 |
A thing that you use for doing a special job |
ابزار، وسیله |
Instrument |
41 |
To make sound that shoe you are happy or that you think something is funny |
خندیدن |
Laugh |
42 |
Something flat that lies on another thing or that is between other things |
لایه |
Layer |
43 |
Not so much, or to a smaller degree |
کمتر |
Less |
44 |
Not heavy |
سبک، نور |
Light |
45 |
To find the exact position of something |
قرار دادن، جای چیزی را تعیید کردن |
locate |
46 |
Not to be able to find something |
گم کردن، از دست دادن |
Lose |
47 |
Fortunately |
خوشبختانه |
Luckily |
48 |
The layer of the earth between the crust and the core |
گوشته |
Mantle |
49 |
A way of doing something which is planned or part of a system |
طرز کار، مکانیزم |
Mechanism |
50 |
A hard substance such as iron, gold, etc |
فلز |
Metal |
51 |
Relating to a country |
ملی |
National |
52 |
A book that tells a long story about someone or something |
رمان |
Novel |
53 |
To happen |
اتفاق افتادن |
Occur |
54 |
Mass of salt water that covers most of the earth’s surface |
اقیانوس |
ocean |
55 |
A group of people who work together for a special purpose |
سازمان، موسسه |
Organization |
56 |
A part of something |
قطعه، تکه |
Piece |
57 |
Something that you have decided to do, and the way to do it |
برنامه، نقشه، تصمیم گرفتن |
Plan |
58 |
A flat piece of something |
صفحه، بشقاب |
Plate |
59 |
The number of people who live in a place |
جمعیت |
Population |
60 |
Something that might happen |
احتمال، امکان |
Possibility |
61 |
Being strong |
نیرو، قدرت |
Power |
62 |
To say what you think will happen |
پیش بینی کردن |
Predict |
63 |
The force that presses on something |
فشار |
Pressure |
64 |
Likely to happen or be true |
ممکن، محتمل |
Probable |
65 |
An accepted |
رویه، روش |
Procedure |
66 |
To give something to somebody or make it available to them because they need it |
فراهم کردن، تهیه کردن |
Provide |
67 |
To shake something so that it makes a lot of small sounds |
لرزاندن، لرزیدن |
Rattle |
68 |
What actually happens or is true |
واقعیت |
Reality |
69 |
To write notes about or make pictures of things that happen so that you can remember them later |
یادداشت کردن، ضبط کردن، ثبت کردن |
Record (v) |
70 |
Notes about things that have happened |
گزارش، یادداشت |
Record (n) |
71 |
The way from one place to another, where cars can go |
جاده |
Road |
72 |
Stone that forms part of the earth’s surface |
صخره، تخته سنگ |
Rock |
73 |
To make something move quickly from side to side or up and down |
تکان دادن، تکان خوردن |
Shake |
74 |
A sudden or powerful shaking |
تکان، لرزه، شوک |
Shock |
75 |
What covers the outside of a person or an animal’s body |
پوست |
Skin |
76 |
Moving gently |
آرام، نرم |
Smooth |
77 |
Until now |
تاکنون |
So far |
78 |
Not hard |
نرم |
Soft |
79 |
Not usual or ordinary |
ویژه، مخصوص |
Special |
80 |
To be in the same place |
ماندن |
Stay |
81 |
To be fixed in one place so that it cannot move |
چسبیدن |
Stick |
82 |
Very bad weather with strong winds and rain |
طوفان |
Storm |
83 |
To continue to live after a difficult or dangerous time |
زنده ماندن، جان سالم به در بردن |
Survive |
84 |
Not far from one side to the other |
نازک، کم عرض، لاغر |
Thin |
85 |
With each other |
باهم |
Together |
86 |
To make something stop working |
خاموش کردن |
Turn off |
87 |
A road that goes under another road or railway |
زیرگذر |
Underpass |
88 |
Holiday |
تعطیلات |
Vacation |
89 |
To have clothes, etc. on your body |
پوشیدن، پوشاندن |
Wear |
90 |
کاربران محترم ویکی ووک امیدوارم خواندن اصطلاحات متن انگلیسی زمین لرزه و نیز متن انگلیسی زمین لرزه که از قبل برای شما در سایت قرار دادیم، مفید واقع شده باشد.

دانشجوی رشته مهندسی کامپیوتر
علاقه مند به آشپزی، شطرنج، موسیقی و کلی چیزای دیگه که سعی میکنم دربارشون باهم بیشتر یاد بگیریم.