با عرض سلام و ادب و احترام خدمت همه شما ویکی ووکی های عزیز. امیدوارم حالتون خوب باشه و روز خوبی رو شروع کرده باشید. در این پست می خواهیم با چند اصطلاح کاربردی انگلیسی آشنا شویم.
یادگیری این اصطلاحات به تقویت زبان انگلیسی شما کمک می کند پس سعی کنید آنها را به خاطر بسپارید؛ با ما همراه باشید.
آشنایی با برخی اصطلاح کاربردی انگلیسی
حرف مفت نزن |
Cut the crap |
Definition: a rude way of felling someone to stop saying things that are not true or not important.
Example: just cut the crap and tell me what really happened.
سیب زمینی، آدم خنک |
Cold fish |
Definition: a person who is unfriendly or does not mix with others.
Example: the man is a cold fish and he has very few friends.
دست از سرم بردار |
Get off my back |
Definition: to stop annoying someone with a lot of questions, criticisms etc or to make someone stop annoying you in this way.
Example: do me a favor and get off my back.
سراپا گوش بودن |
Be all ears |
Definition: to be very interested in what someone is about to say.
A: “Do you want to hear what happened at the party last night?”
B: “Oh yes, I’m all ears.”
نیمه گم شده |
Find Mr. Right |
Definition: to find the right or perfect person.
Example: the woman is always hoping to find Mr. Right but so far she has not had any luck.
بچه ننه |
A mama’s boy |
Definition: a young man or boy who is overly attached to or influenced by his mother; a sissy.
Example: he’s such a mama’s boy who can’t even by himself a suit.
تسویه حساب کردن – تلافی کردن |
Get even (with someone) |
Definition: to do something unpleasant to someone to punish them for something that they did to you.
Example: she wants to get even with the guy who hit her with the ball / I’ll get even with him one day.
جیغ بنفش – از ته گلو |
At the top of one’s lungs |
Definition: with a very loud voice.
Example: I yelled at the top of my lungs to get the man’s attention.
گپ زدن |
Chew the fat/rag |
Definition: to chat or talk informally with one’s friends.
Example: I stopped to chew the fat with an old friend from high school.
از جلو چشمام دور شو |
Get out of my face |
Definition: used to tell someone in an impolite way to go away because they are annoying you, stop harassing me.
Example: just get out of my face and stop criticizing everything I do.
پوستت رو میکنم – درسته قورتت میدم! |
Eat someone alive/for breakfast |
Definition: to criticize someone very angrily if we get our facts wrong we’ll be eaten alive by the press.
Example: if I catch you I’ll eat you alive.
مگه از رو نعش من رد بشی |
Over my dead body |
Definition: used to say that you are determined not to allow something to happen.
Example: you’ll marry him over my dead body! /
A: “I want to date your sister.”
B: “over me dead body.”
کاربران محترم امیدوارم خواندن این چند اصطلاح کاربردی انگلیسی برای شما مفید واقع شده باشد.
در صورت تمایل می توانید پست های زیر را مطالعه نمایید.
- متن کوتاه انگلیسی درباره ورزش قسمت اول
- متن کوتاه انگلیسی درباره ورزش قسمت دوم
- متن کوتاه انگلیسی درباره ورزش قسمت سوم

دانشجوی رشته مهندسی کامپیوتر
علاقه مند به آشپزی، شطرنج، موسیقی و کلی چیزای دیگه که سعی میکنم دربارشون باهم بیشتر یاد بگیریم.